Resources & Stories


Over the past 20 years, the local food category evolved from an emerging to a maturing market. In a mature market, the rate of growth for the category slows, and...
Land use planning is an important tool for aligning settlement patterns and natural resource management with Vermont residents’ values. Community-level plans and policies affect many concrete land management and development...
Vermont’s farm and food economy gained 742 net new businesses between 2010-2017, and economic output expanded 48% from $7.5 billion to $11.3 billion between 2007-2017. Despite this growth, these businesses...
Access to physical and mental health care is directly connected to farm viability and quality of life. Health care costs and the cost of living have far outpaced gains in...


Labor force does not match employer needs; a deeper look into growing the food system workforce
Vermont food system businesses are building a values-based supply chain to succeed in the local, regional, and national marketplace
Helping limited-income Vermonters access local food while prioritizing farm viability
Pile your plate with Vermont food on a budget