Resources & Stories


The Rutland Area branch of the NAACP is dedicated to the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminating race-based discrimination in Vermont.
Our mission is to pursue racial justice within Vermont’s criminal justice system and beyond through advocacy, education, and relationship-building.
It is our hope that people will choose at least one group to get involved with a long term commitment. Most of these groups need member, volunteers, and donors. Please give deeply of your time and resources. More people need to do more
Since 1979 the Peace & Justice Center has been a leader in social justice activism in Vermont. Our Board and Staff work with community members, local businesses, non-profit organizations, activists, and volunteers to help all Vermonters achieve self-sufficiency and shared prosperity. Our Center is open to the public and offers a social justice library and a community meeting room space.


McKnight Farm, an organic dairy, invested in a solar photovoltaic project that would meet the farm’s electricity needs.
Alex Brace has taken significant steps to manage his energy use and to use energy more efficiently, all while maintaining milk production and preserving the longevity of his equipment.
Since 1998 Putney Mountain Winery has focused on fermenting fruit wines.
Since its grassroots beginnings that first season, Windham Farm and Food has grown by more than 400 percent, now managing deliveries from more than 30 farms to more than 60 business clients, schools and nonprofit institutions in the Windham County region.