Events, News & Jobs

F2P Network Member Events

New Report Shows High Demand for Fresh Produce in Vermont Food Programs
What are the needs and challenges of using fresh food within a food or meal program? Salvation Farms surveyed hundreds of these programs in Vermont to find out. With responses from over half of Vermont’s food shelves and a fifth of the state’s public schools, the report estimates that statewide, these two types of sites together have a need for more than 14 million pounds of fresh produce annually. Other types of organizations that responded included prisons, Meals on Wheels programs, and housing sites, so the annual demand statewide is likely much higher. Read More
NECI Students to Taste-test Recipes for School Meal Programs in Addison County Schools
On December 12th, student chefs from NECI will visit four Addison County public school cafeterias to cook and taste-test new recipes with elementary school students to supplement the first-of-its-kind publication, New School Cuisine: Nutritious Seasonal Recipes for School Cooks by School Cooks. Read More
Announcing the 2015-2016 FINE Network Report
Want to catch up on the progress made by the Farm to Institution New England network over the past year and a half? Check out the 2015-2016 FINE Network Report! Read More
Diverting waste from landfills is economic opportunity for Grow Compost
Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law creates market for organics hauling and management services; Flexible Capital Fund provides working capital to turn economic opportunity into revenue growth and new livable wage jobs at Grow Compost of Vermont Read More
Study “The Art & Science of Brewing” with Anders Kissmeyer and Jan Paul at The School of the New American Farmstead at Sterling College
Plato never wrote “He was a wise man who invented beer,” but the sentiment still strikes a chord. The experienced and professionally ambitious homebrewing aficionado or aspiring beverage entrepreneur would be wise to learn more about the School of the New American Farmstead’s latest class, “The Art & Science of Brewing.” Read More
VBSR Launches Local First Vermont Mobile App
-“Buy Local Coupon Book” Now Available Through iTunes and Google Play- Read More
VACC FY 2016 Agricultural Financings More Than Any Prior Year
Agricultural loans approved through the Vermont Agricultural Credit Corporation (VACC) in FY 2016 outpaced all prior years, it was announced recently at the Annual Meeting of the Vermont Economic Development Authority (VEDA). Read More
Vermont Products a Hit in Japan
How about some smoked maple syrup with that yakitori? And some Vermont hard cider to wash it down? Japanese consumers may soon see more Vermont products on the menu, thanks to a successful trade mission led by Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, Jolinda LaClair. Eight of Vermont’s premier specialty food and beverage companies, including maple, cheese, cider and spirits traveled to Tokyo with the Deputy Secretary during the last week in October. The trip was co-organized by Susan Murray, Director of the U.S. Commercial Service Vermont Export Assistance Center, and Food Export USA, a non-profit trade promotion organization based in Philadelphia. Read More
Submit a session proposal for the 2017 New England Farm to Institution Summit by 11/30
The 2017 New England Farm to Institution Summit will bring together more than 500 people who are leveraging the power of schools, colleges, hospitals and other institutions to transform our food system. Do you have a great idea for a workshop, roundtable, panel, field trip, demo, training, tour or meeting that relates to this theme? We invite you to submit your session idea in response to our request for proposals by Nov. 30th. Read More
USDA NRCS Seeking Applications for the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) in Vermont
The nation’s largest conservation program, CSP, has been revamped and applications are due by February 3, 2017. Read More
Agricultural Literacy Week Connects Communities to their Local Farms
Agricultural Literacy Week is designed to educate Vermont citizens about the important role of farms in our communities and to the economy of our state. People of all ages will have the opportunity to participate in events statewide to learn more about Vermont’s farms and farmers. This week of activities connects communities to their local farms, while also furthering Vermont’s Farm to Plate goals to increase food literacy and educational opportunities in schools and communities. Read More
Guide to Growing and Marketing Elderberries Published by UVM Extension Center for Sustainable Ag.
This traditional wild-crafted European favorite with its white spring flowers, dark berries in summer, tolerance for a variety of growing conditions, tart flavor and anti-oxidant and anti-viral properties, offers promise. Read More
Food System Jobs

Here are the latest F2P Network Member job openings