A 2018 Exploration of the Future of Vermont Agriculture: Ideas to Seed a Conversation and a Call to Action

"A 2018 Exploration of the Future of Vermont Agriculture” is an attempt to capture an assessment that emerged from several conversations amongst a small group of organizations grappling with how to respond to ongoing negative trends in Vermont agriculture. The hope for this report is that it will serve as a launching point for any number of conversations across the state. In summary, the analysis of the report is that a variety of factors are combining that threaten Vermont’s economy, community, and culture. We see existing activities (e.g., land conservation easements and technical assistance) as highly valuable, but not sufficient to fully address anticipated trends. Therefore, we believe new approaches must be identified, evaluated, and implemented, in addition to sufficiently investing in existing high-impact approaches. We invite feedback on how to undertake such a process, and how to fund, administer, and coordinate implementation across our networks.
