Resources & Stories


Farm to Plate Annual Report 2023 Cover
The 2023 Farm to Plate Annual Report features highlights of key projects from 2023, including the New England Feeding New England Project, Food Security in Vermont: Roadmap to 2035, Using...
Food Security Roadmap Priority Strategy Team testifies to VT Legislature
Are you interested in discussing the Vermont Food Security Roadmap with a small group at work or home? The attached Discussion Guide offers simple ideas for conversation about the Roadmap's...
VT Cattleman how we work
The Beef on Dairy project is a multi-year project tasked with developing stronger beef-dairy partnerships to reduce costs, increase dairy farm viability, and improve product quality to increase market access...
Food Security Objective C3
Improve local food access while working on full food security in Vermont True food security will mean that individuals do not have to rely on charity. In the interim, improvements...

Resource Collections

Farm to Plate Annual Report 2023 Cover
By statute, the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund is required to provide to the legislature annually a: "summary of work completed in the farm-to-plate investment program, including progress toward meeting the...
Food Security in Vermont: Road Map to 2023 - Cover Image - fields with trees
The Vermont Food Security Roadmap collection includes Vermont Food Security: Roadmap to 2035, Transportation Barriers to Food Access in Vermont: Impacted Populations Report, and Food Security Roadmap Citations. Click to...
Intervale Agroforestry3 - Michael Z. Weiss
A collection of resources tied to agroforestry in Vermont and beyond. Agroforestry is a rapidly growing climate mitigation strategy that brings together indigenous knowledge with modern day farmers looking for...
A Regional Approach to Food System Resilience - NEFNE Report
What will it really take to grow, raise, produce, harvest, and catch more regional food and move it through a complex supply chain to our homes and other places we...


New England Regional Food Count 2022 Cover
The New England Food System Planners Partnership just released a detailed analysis of local food spending in New England – Regional Food Count 2022. The report reveals that $2.28 billion...
text "Join Us To Protect Our Local Food System". Image hands forming a heart around a head of garlic
written by Center for an Agricultural Economy The impact of federal funding cuts can already be seen across the country, including Vermont, in many different sectors. With the most recent...
photo collage of different fibers, including hemp, linen, finished dress, napkins and utensils, and people combing wool
This session was extremely informative and inspiring in thinking about ways to diversify our agricultural products in ways that are beneficial to the environment and have the potential to bring...
Food Security - Hummus
Vermont has the tools, knowledge, and resources to create food security and ensure that every person living here has the food they want and need to be healthy and nourished...