Posted March 12, 2016 at 04:44am by Carrie Abels

Ring in Spring with Vermont's Local Banquet!


Farm to Plate followers know that “scaling up” is a hot topic in Vermont agriculture right now, as small farms seek to become more profitable. In the latest issue of Local Banquet, UVM’s Mark Canella asks whether we should be encouraging our small farms to get big, or whether they should instead consider selling to a ‘brand aggregator’ – a company that collects product from many different farms and sells it under one brand name.

Also in this issue, we check in with Full Sun Oil Co., the only business in Vermont that is solely processing food-grade oil from seed grown by other farms. The Middlebury company is yet another innovator in the local food scene and is providing key infrastructure for a local oil industry to thrive.

You can find the Spring issue online at or pick up a paper copy at a Vermont food co-op or one of our many drop-off places, listed on our website.