Posted April 19, 2017 at 11:50am by Vera Simon-Nobes

Open Farm Week Sign-Up is Open!

Open Farm Week is an annual event that invites both Vermonters and vacationers to build relationships with you, the farmers, and deepen their interest in Vermont's working landscape. Farmers can register to particapate now through June 30! 
A limited number of farms can request technical support in planning their Open Farm Week events. To request support, check the box on the registration form, and be sure to sign up by May 15! 
The $50 participation fee covers the signage and promotional materials that we will ship directly to your business as well as a portion of staff time dedicated to promoting your event.
For more information: 
Erin Buckwalter at NOFA-VT: or 802-434-4122
Grace Meyer at Vermont Fresh Network: or 802-434-2000
Lisa Chase at UVM Extension: or 802-257-7967