Posted January 17, 2023 at 09:50am by Lindsey Cole

New Resource: Local Policy to Promote Healthy Food Access

The Healthy Food Policy Project team at Vermont Law and Graduate School's Center for Agriculture and Food Systems is excited to share a newly-updated resource: "Local Policy to Promote Healthy Food Access: A Food Systems Framework."   

Access to healthy food depends on thoughtful policymaking at every stage of the food system, from growing food to managing waste. This updated resource (previously titled "Crosswalk") can aid policymakers, leaders, advocates, researchers, and others understand the range of policy options for communities seeking to increase access to healthy food. It shows how local laws—including legislation, administrative regulations, and executive orders—can promote access to healthy food at various points along the food system. The new version also highlights planning documents, such as comprehensive plans and sustainability plans, which are often used to guide development and evaluation of local laws and other efforts.  

The resource is available at  

If you'd like to share a policy from your community that is helping to increase healthy food access, please share it with us here. We are always seeking new policies to add to our database and inform our case studies.