Posted October 9, 2014 at 05:50am by Faith Raymond

Grant Funding Available for Farm to School Programming

Contact: Ali Zipparo
Senior Agriculture Development Coordinator
(802) 505-1822

Grant Funding Available for Farm to School Programming
Applications due 10/28

The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets has announced $49,000 of available funding for Vermont schools interested in Farm to School programing. Any Vermont school, consortium of schools, or school district interested in a Farm to School grant can find more information and download applications at

All Vermont Farm to School Program applications must be received by the Vermont Agency of Agriculture no later than 4:30 pm on Tuesday, October 28, 2014.

The state of Vermont has appropriated nearly $775,000 over the past seven years to support Farm to School programming. Since its creation, the Vermont Farm to School grant program has awarded 70 schools or supervisory unions throughout the state funds to support the integration local foods in school cafeterias, classrooms and communities.

“Farm to School programming helps build a culture of ‘Ag Literacy’ in our schools and communities,” according to Vermont Secretary of Agriculture, Chuck Ross.  “These programs are an essential part of building the connection between agriculture and the next generation of Vermonters, while also teaching our students to make healthy choices and ensuring food access for all.”

“The grants support schools in their efforts to integrate food, farms and nutrition into their curriculum and provide access to healthy and local foods for all students,” said Betsy Rosenbluth, Project Director of Vermont FEED (Food Education Every Day).   “By connecting classrooms, cafeterias, and communities, students are engaged in creating a healthier and more sustainable school food culture.”

This grant program is made possible by collaboration between the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Agency of Education, VT FEED (Food Education Every Day) and the Vermont Farm to School Network.

For more information about the Farm to School Grant program contact Ali Zipparo at the Vermont Agency of Agriculture at (802) 505-1822 or