Posted April 13, 2016 at 10:31am by City Market, Onion River Co-op

City Market Awards Grants to Local Food Projects


City Market congratulated their 2015 Co-op Patronage Seedling Grant recipients and offered over $54,000 in grant funding to local food projects at a recent Grant Celebration that also launched the 2016 Co-op Patronage Seedling Grant process.

City Market sent over $926,000 in Patronage Refunds to more than 11,000 Members in November 2015. As part of the Patronage Refund process, the Co-op offers Members the opportunity to donate their checks to strengthen Vermont’s food system. Members who receive Patronage Refunds support these donations by choosing not to cash their checks within the required 90 day time period. This year, uncashed Patronage Refund checks from Members are funding 6 local food projects from community organizations doing amazing work in Vermont.

The Co-op set a minimum of $40,000 in total grants when the projects were chosen in September 2015, and the uncashed Patronage Check total was $54,579.06, so these organizations will be getting a larger infusion of cash to strengthen the local food system. The 2015 grant recipients’ projects touch almost every part of the local food system – from youth, to seniors, to the food itself and food transport, as well as plant and soil sciences:

Burlington Children’s Place, Initial Grant Award: $7,500 (actual check: $10,026.17)

Champlain Elementary School, Initial Grant Award: $5,000 (actual check: $6,685.94)

Helping and Nurturing Diverse Seniors (HANDS), Initial Grant Award: $6,500 (actual check: $8,688.99)

Milton Town School District, Initial Grant Award: $8,278 (actual check: $11,068.63)

Rutland Area Farm and Food Link (RAFFL), Initial Grant Award: $4,045 (actual check: $5,408.78)

Vermont Vegetable and Berry Growers’ Association, Initial Grant Award: $9,500 (actual check: $12,700.55)

At the Grant Celebration, John Tashiro, City Market’s General Manager, shared his excitement for this program now in its second year. “It’s very encouraging to see the diversity of so many non-profit organizations throughout Vermont that are looking to grow and improve the local food system. As a Co-op, we are very proud that our Members have been so generous in donating to these 6 local food system projects. By giving back to these local organizations, it strengthens Vermont’s food system and encourages innovation and change across the state.”

City Market is now accepting applications for the 2016 Co-op Patronage Seedling Grants from Vermont non-profit organizations whose project work strengthens the local food system. The minimum total grant award for 2016 will be $40,000 with individual grant awards ranging from $500 to $7,500. The application and process can be found on City Market’s Co-op Patronage Seedling Grant page, and applications will be accepted until Monday, June 27 at 5pm.

About City Market, Onion River Co-op

The Onion River Co-op is a consumer cooperative, with over 11,500 Members, selling wholesome food and other products while building a vibrant, empowered community and a healthier world, all in a sustainable manner. Located in downtown Burlington, Vermont, City Market provides a large selection of local, organic and conventional foods and thousands of Vermont-made products. Visit City Market, Onion River Co-op online at or call 802-861-9700.