Posted December 7, 2016 at 06:48am by Kaitlin Haskins

Announcing the 2015-2016 FINE Network Report


Farm to Institution New England just announced the 2015-2016 FINE Network Report, designed to bring you up to speed on the milestones achieved by the network between January 2015 and June 2016. 

Together, network members are making a difference in the lives of children, students, hospital patients, seniors, farmers, fishers, food service workers and many others in New England by increasing access to healthy, local food; growing food and farm businesses; building supply chain infrastructure; and strengthening our regional food system.

We hope you enjoy reading this report on the progress we've made recently as a six-state network of non-profit, public and private entities working to mobilize the power of New England institutions to transform our food system.

In addition to documenting our impact, FINE staff and advisors have been planning for the future. Stay tuned for the official announcement of our brand new mission and vision statements, followed by a comprehensive strategic plan early next year!