Posted November 3, 2015 at 09:24am by Lindsey Berk

ACORN Celebrates 10 Years with Annual Meeting at American Flatbread!


ACORN celebrates its 10-year anniversary! It's been a decade since the Addison County Relocalization Network first organized itself to strengthen the local food and energy economies. ACORN will revisit history to showcase its food advocacy work while also looking to the future.  We invite all community stakeholders who are passionate about the Southern Champlain Valley’s local food culture to join us at ACORN’s Annual Meeting on Wednesday, November 18th at American Flatbread in Middlebury’s Marble Works from 6:30pm-8:00pm. This yearly gathering will celebrate ACORN’s 2015 accomplishments and look forward to what ACORN has planned for 2016.

Keynote speaker Molly Anderson, the new Professor of Food Studies at Middlebury College, will present “Working Together for a Better Food System,” on local food systems and the importance of multi-stakeholder collaborations. Molly is involved in food system planning at the state and regional scales and is especially interested in collaborations between academicians and community-based activists around sustainability, food system resilience, human rights in the food system, food security, and the transition to a post-petroleum food economy.

 ACORN will also recap its Farm to School programs, sponsored events (Le Tour de Farms, the Sustainable Living Expo, Stone Soup), and address local food wins and losses around Addison County. Light appetizers will be provided and a cash bar featuring local brews and ciders will be open.

ACORN invites anyone interested in the local food system, from farmers to citizens to legislators. Please join us and meet your neighbors, community members and activists who are supporting local food initiatives.