Member Benefits

Why Become a Farm to Plate Network Member?

When you join, you become part of a network of dedicated professionals working to relocalize Vermont's food system. By joining the Network, your organization or business gains access to benefits designed to enhance professional connections, knowledge sharing, and collaborative opportunities.

Please note that membership is organizational; individuals must be part of a member organization. Each individual at an organization should create their own personal account linked to their organization, to join and contribute to the groups that interest them or align with their professional duties most fully. 

Events, news feed items, and jobs are posted to our homepage, and are also included in our monthly e-newsletter, with over 7,000 general audience subscribers.

Become a Member

Check out all the great benefits
Attend the Annual Gathering
Attend our Annual Gathering each November to make and deepen professional connections, learn, and become inspired
Food Systems Map Listing
Member organizations are listed on our website's food systems map, which is a great way to build or grow a web presence
Join Network Groups
Join flexible Network Groups working to achieve the goals of the VT Agriculture & Food System Strategic Plan. Gain access to dedicated listservs, shared resources, and attend meetings on a drop-in basis.
Post Events
Share your organization or business's food system-related events on our events calendar, and through our monthly e-newsletter.
Post Jobs
Post your organization or business's food system job openings to a targeted audience on our jobs board, and through our monthly e-newsletter.
pot and lid
Post News
Post your organization or business’s food system related accomplishments, funding opportunities, and calls to action on our website's newsfeed, and through our monthly e-newsletter.