Demand for Vermont food will increase.

Goal Description

Goal 2 focuses on increasing the purchases of Vermont made food products within the state and the Northeast, as well as increasing purchasing across product categories (e.g., dairy, meat, produce, grain) and market channels (e.g., direct to consumer, retail, institutions, restaurants).

Goal Indicators

Objective 1: By 2030, Vermont food products will be 25% of all in-state food purchases, by dollar value
Source: 2010 data Conner et al. 2014 data Florence Becot, MS and Dr. David Conner, University of Vermont. 2017 data Dr. David Conner and Ethan Thompson, MS University of Vermont. 2020 data Dr. David Conner, University of Vermont, Jake Claro, VJSF, and Annie Harlow. All years include direct sales data (USDA) nonemployer statistics (Census Bureau), data from coops, grocers, distributors, restaurants, hospitals, farm to school, food hubs, farms and food manufacturers, and charitable food sites.