Education, Workforce and Labor Collection


A collection of resources created by Farm to Plate tied to education, workforce and labor. Resources included here were developed by the Farm to Plate Education, Workforce and Labor Topic Exchange.

Resources in this collection

The Career Pathways and Image Task Force created three career path profiles of people with food system careers as a pilot project, with the overall goal of attracting younger people...
As part of the F2P Career Profiles Project, the 2017-2018 Agricultural Technology class at Randolph Technology Career Center interviewed three local farmers to compare their farm operations and career paths.
This study gives 10 recommendations to better align Vermont's food system education with the needs of today's farm and food businesses.
A guidebook on the wide range of careers within our food system and potential next steps for pursuing those careers.
Created by students piloting curriculum developed by the Career Image and Pathways Task Force, these 12 profiles highlight key skills and experiences useful for the career paths profiled.