Posted March 17, 2022 at 10:36am by Anonymous (not verified)
Rooted in Vermont

What is Rooted in Vermont?
Rooted in Vermont is a grassroots movement to increase consumer demand for local food. Rooted in Vermont is shifting the local food narrative on social media and in Vermont communities to be inclusive of the many ways Vermonters enjoy and acquire local food. Traditions like gardening, hunting, fishing, and foraging are as core to Vermont’s local food movement as purchasing local food from farmers, restaurants, schools, and stores. Grassroots marketing efforts targeted towards Vermonters not already committed to purchasing local food will aim to stimulate increased awareness, participation, and purchases in Vermont’s local food economy and help local food consumption become mainstream in the next 5-10 years.
What makes it a movement?
By celebrating all Vermonters’ relationships with local food, Rooted in Vermont intends to create a movement that connects tradition, pride, community, trust, and equity to local food. Rooted in Vermont is owned by all Vermonters, and nurtured by the Vermont Farm to Plate Network to help the movement build momentum and become viral throughout the entire state. It is a movement to help all Vermonters see local food as their own – not because it is a trend, but rather a part of our history and who we are as Vermonters.
Why does it matter to Vermonters?
Vermonters are proud of tradition and our way of life. Local food connects us to the land, to our history, and to our communities. Rooted in Vermont empowers all Vermonters to be a part of the local food movement. Increased consumer demand sends a signal to the marketplace for more local food to be produced, distributed, and available to Vermonters. If 10% of the food purchased in Vermont was locally produced*, it would equate to $300 million staying in the Vermont economy. Purchasing local products keeps more money here in Vermont, in turn creating jobs, supporting the in-state supply chain, protecting our family farms, and making local food more accessible to more Vermonters.
Why does it matter to the local food economy?
When Vermont consumers not already committed to buying local food begin to get more engaged in the Rooted in Vermont movement, education and marketing efforts will encourage Vermonters to demonstrate increased demand. At the same time, as more local food becomes available and affordable in all market channels (retail, restaurants, institutions, direct sale), purchases will increase in the Vermont local food economy.